Piano and Orchestral Music inspired by Film and Television


ID: SM-000176131
CompositorNick Rossi
EditoraNick Rossi
Ano de composição 2012
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 5'31"
dificuldade Medium
descripção A piano solo for solo piano. Set predominately in the key of F# minor, the piece explores the entire length of the keyboard and relies on driving rhythmic and melodic ostinatos to pull the listener in. The main theme is presented right from the initial bars and then expanded throughout the piece, in range and rhythmic and melodic complexity. Midway through, this theme takes a break while a secondary fanfare theme dominates in the relative major key. This quickly “deteriorates” back into a minor key and the main theme brings the piece to a close.
data de postagem 29.11.2012


2.00 USD

6.00 USD
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PDF, 300.5 Kb (8 p.)


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